The company METALLIAGES was set up in 1976 from the request of prime contractors of high-tech industries, looking for a reliable supplier able to impose to steel producers their quality specifications, to accept their manufacturing constraints (volumes, manufacturing times,…) and to accept the constraints of users of special metals (quantity, quality, delivery times, price,…)
METALLIAGES supplies semi-finished products to high-tech industries both civil and militarian as:
- Bars (round, square, rectangular, hexagonal…)
- Tubes
- Sheets
- Strips
- Wire (locking, snap, welding, spring…)
In alloyed steels, in stainless steel, carbon steels, titanium, nickel, aluminium, copper, cobalt and their alloys.

METALLIAGES is specialised in study and design of metallurgical products which meet the specifications and the needs of the customers.
So, we carry out:
- Selection of grades
- Feasibility study
- Development of specifications
- Correspondence between foreign and French standards
- Material tests through its two airworthiness qualified laboratories
METALLIAGES belongs to the technical group N°424 of the BNAé (Aeronautical standardization office) in charge of the writing of european aerospace specifications for steels.
METALLIAGES uses a complete library of French and foreign specifications: American, European and in particular British, German, Italian, as well as specific customer specifications: